SFTP Access to bwDataArchive

At this time, bwDataArchive only offers access via the SFTP-protocol. SFTP clients are available for all common operating systems:

  • Linux: sftp command, lftp, filezilla,...
  • Windows: winscp, filezilla,...
  • MacOs: filezilla,...

Use the client you feel most comfortable with. Please read the instruction manual carefully. For lftp we offer a short introduction.

Login at the SFTP servers

Our SFTP servers can be reached using the shared address archive-sftp.lsdf.kit.edu. You will be automatically redirected to one of our servers.

To log in, use the following command:

sftp <username>@archive-sftp.lsdf.kit.edu

replacing <username> with the alphanumeric username you chose during the registration.


[user@yourhost ~]# sftp k23 does-not-exist.archive-sftp lsdf kit edu
Connecting to archive-sftp.lsdf.kit.edu...
k23 does-not-exist.archive-sftp lsdf kit edu's password:
sftp> ls -l
drwx------    4 k23      12345         512 Nov 23 16:51 private
sftp> cd private
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /private

Server fingerprints

During your first connection you might want to be sure to connect to the right server(s) and there is no man-in-the-middle attack. Therefore, here are the fingerprints of our sftp servers in different formats - use the one your client supports:

  • RSA:
  • ECDSA:


  • ed25519: